Festivals and events

Here is a list of all the events which take place in the Gers, listed by month and season. The Gers is a land of fairs and pleasure! Either at the gastronomy level, the celebration of traditions, or highlighting nature... in the Gers they know how to party! Music is celebrated all year round with festivals and concerts organised in prestigious heritage locations or simply in the heart of a village or in a field.  Culture and arts are also important: exhibitions, comic strips, paintings, drawings... and  food (winepoultry products, conserves, specialities...) which titilate the taste buds at friendly fairs and shows. Take your pick; we have grouped the events taking place each year. Whatever your holiday dates, in the Gers, you will always find something to do to have fun and meet people. 

To note: Guide du Gers has taken special care not to forgot anybody, but if you spot an event not mentioned, do not hesitate to contact us! We will be happy to add it.

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TOP 10 events in the GERS, according to GUIDE DU GERS

Here are the top 10 events selected by the Guide du Gers’ team, which are not to be missed! 

1-) The most famous: Jazz in Marciac lasts for 3 weeks in the summer. Enjoy the music which sounds incredible. Witness performances by the best international jazz players!

2-) The one to wonder at: The “Festival d'Astronomie de Fleurance” (astronomy festival, beginning of August.) there are super conferences, a programme for all ages and knowledge passed on with passion... 

3-) The one to excite you: Circa, a circus festival in Auch. Here you will see the most talented circus artists. Watch the exploits of these circus artistes. 

4-) The most "musketeer" one: The d'Artagnan chez d'Artagnan Festival, in Lupiac, at the end of August. Follow in the footsteps of this brave musketeer. There is so much to learn about this phenomena, this charismatic character!

5-) In the heart of the vines and close to winemakers: La Flamme de l'Armagnac, in November in Montréal-du-Gers. There are hearty meals to eat, some hikes to participate in and a chance to see how the locals live.

6-) The most fast-paced and closest to the heart of Gascony: the Bandas Festival in Condom takes place mid-May. There are concerts, bodegas, a great atmosphere and big celebrations happening over many days! 

7-) The most visual: “L'été Photographique” (summer photography), in the whole town of Lectoure, during summer. There are photos everywhere, exhibitions, conferences, and classes... Click!

8-) The most Roman: The Galop Romain Festival in Eauze, at the end of July is a huge celebration with parades, shows, dances, chariot races and, of course, costumes to brighten it all up.

9-) The most spread out: The “Chemin des épouvantails” (The scarecrow path), it is not a fair, but a display of more than 60 scarecrows spread across many towns around Saint-Clar. It takes place in mid-July. 

10-) La plus gonflée: Running up a steep incline during a semi-marathon is difficult, but with 7 refuelling stations on foie-gras farms, it is really mad! And very cool!! The foie-gras race takes place in October in Mauvezin. 

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Lupiac: “Saint Mont Vignoble en Fête” (gastronomy and tasting event), mid-March

L'Isle-Jourdain: Gascony Carnival of lsla De Baish, mid-March

Auch: Pirouette Circaouette (shows for young people), end of March/beginning of April  

Mirande: Salon du livre jeunesse (book show), beginning of April

Fourcès: Marché aux fleurs (flower market), end of April 

Seissan: Welcome to Tziganie (festival of Tzigane music), end of April 

Montaut-les-Créneaux: Les créneaux fleuris (flower and plant market), 1st May

Plaisance-du-Gers: Salon des métiers d'arts (arts jobs fair), mid-May

Condom: Bandas Festival in Condom (concerts), mid-May 

Auch: “Claviers en pays d'Auch”, (festival about ancient instruments), mid-May

Pavie: Trad'Envie Festival, end of May

Eauze: Salon des Antiquaires (antique show), end of May

Marciac: Le Salon de la caricature et du dessin de presse (caricature and design) beginning of June


  • Feria del Toro, (bull festival) Corrida, beginning of June
  • Le Festival Vélo en fête (cycling festival), at the Véloscope and in town, beginning of June

Auch: Festival Eclats de Voix (music festival), mid-June

La Romieu: “L'art au mieux”, (art festival), mid-June

Montréal-du-Gers: Brocante et vide-grenier (car boot sale), mid-June in the entire town

Castelnau-Barbarens: Lo rondèu de Castelnau (traditional music and dance festival) every 2 years, last week-end of June

Lectoure: Rencontres en Lectures (reading event with enthusiasts and professionals), end of June

In Lectoure, events take place all year 

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Preignan: Rock'n'stock (music festival), beginning of July 


Simorre: Festi'drole (fun festival for children), beginning of July


  • L'été photographique (summer photography), all summer
  • Les Gasconnades (traditional dance and story telling), end of August
  • La fête du Melon et Course d'Orni (melon fair and fun race) mid-August

Montréal-du-Gers: Foire médiévale nocturne (medieval night-time fair), mid-July / beginning of August (several evenings!)


  • Les claviers d'été (keyboard music festival), all summer
  • Summer evenings: every Tuesday evening, it is party time in Auch! 


Marciac: Jazz in Marciac, 3 week ends in July, mid-August

Vic-Fezensac: Festival Tempo Latino, end of July

La Romieu: Festival Musique en Chemin (music festival), end of July

Samatan: Théâtre d'été de Samatan (summer theatre of Samatan), end of July


  • Fêtes Feria d'Eauze (Corridas and bodegas) beginning of July
  • Festival Galop Romain (festival with parades, chariot races), end of July
  • Festival de la Bande Dessinée en Gascogne "Eauze BD" (comic strip festival), beginning of August


Sarrant: Les Estivales de l'Illustration (illustration festival), end of July

L'Isle-Jourdain: Festival Escota é Minja (Gascon festival), end of July

Flaran Abbey and others in Armagnac: Nuits Musicales (musical nights) in Armagnac, end of July, beginning of August


  • Les Estiv'ail (garlic fair), beginning of August
  • Les Nuits Musicales de la Vieille Eglise (the old church musical nights), all summer
  • Sur le chemin des épouvantails (on the scarecrow’s trail): mid-July

Lupiac: Festival d'Artagnan chez d'Artagnan (d’Artagnan festival) mid-August

Montesquiou: Montesquiou on the Rock's (Rock festival), mid-August

Aignan: Bedat Festival (music festival), mid-August

Lavardens: Foire aux vins et eaux de vie (wine and brandy fair), mid-August

Plaisance du Gers: Festival du jeu RPGers (game festival), mid-August

D'Artagnan awaits you in Auch


Pavie: Festival Plein les Feuilles (multidisciplinary festival for children) beginning of September


  • Gastronomy fair in Samatan and in many towns of the Gers, 

beginning of September

Terraube: Le Salon du Bon Goût et de l’Elégance (antique fair), beginning of September

Siarrouy: Fête du village (village fair) end of September

Nogaro: Fêtes de Manciet (town fair) 

Vic-en-Bigorre: Salon du Livre (book fair), end of September

Castéra-Verduzan: Festival N'amasse pas mousse (street arts), mid-September 

Valence-sur-Baïse: Les automnales, (amateur theatre festival), end of September

Eauze: Dirty Sunday (grass, track, moto race), end of September

Gimone: Les Musicales des Coteaux de Gimone

Several towns, dates are different each year: La Route de la Transhumance, mid September 

Gimont: Rencontres Musicales et Taurines (concerts and bull show), end of September

When partying, we eat well in the Gers!

AUTumn events in the GERS

Auch: Festival Indépendances et Création (cinema festival), beginning of October

Ordan-Larroque: La Journée des Plantes Rares (rare plants day)


Sarrant/Auch/Mauroux/Riscle: Fête de la science (science fair), mid-October, 

Labastide d'Armagnac: “L'Armagnac en fête” (Armagnac fair), last weekend in October 

Mauvezin: “La Ronde des Foies-gras” (racecourse), October

Nogaro: Le Nogaro Classic Festival, beginning of October


  • La Foire artisanale à la Saint-Martin (craft fair), mid-November
  • Salon d'Automne des Muses d'Europe au Musée d'Art Campanaire de la ville (cultural exhibition) 

"Dire et lire à l'Air": an itinerant festival in many towns of the Gers, with free open air shows! Towards the end of September/beginning October each year.

Auch: Circa, le Festival du Cirque Actuel (circus festival) takes places towards the end October.

Montréal-du-Gers: La Flamme de l'Armagnac (gastronomy and culture event) mid-November

Plaisance-du-Gers: Salon de l'arme ancienne, de collection, de tir et de chasse (old weapons show), mid-November

Lectoure: Foire de la Saint-Martin (town fair), mid-November


Lavardens: at the castle, exhibition-sale on "l'Art du santon", every year from end of October to the beginning of January 

Lectoure: The “Fête de la Lumière” (architectural and heritage event), from mid-December to the beginning of January with Santa Claus.  

Miradoux: La Ronde des Crèches (Nativity scenes event), from December to January 

Montréal-du-Gers: “Randonnée de la Saint-Vincent” (hiking event), at the beginning of January


  • Game festival, "Lislenjeux", mid-February
  • 8 February “Journée Mondiale des Zones Humides” (wetlands world day), with the Communauté de Communes.

Eauze: La fête de la Saint Vincent des Vignerons (wine makers fair), end of January 

Saint-Clar: Le Trails des 3 Soleils (running event), in February